The westernmost settlement of Hungary is located in Vas county, 14 km from Szentgotthárd, at the crossing point of the Hungarian-Slovenian-Austrian border and cultures. Based on the terrain and vegetation, the landscape is of high altitude and is part of the Őrség National Park. The permanent exhibition “History of Slovenian Parishes” in the old priesthood commemorates the parish priests of the Slovenian villages around Szentgotthárd.
The most famous figure in the history of Felsőszölnök was the parish priest József Kossics, who was a recognized figure in the profession as a linguist, historian and ethnographer. He is the author of the first Slovenian landscape monograph in Hungary and numerous volumes. His tomb is in the cemetery, his plaque is on the wall of the church.
Tourist road sign leads to the triple border stone set up after Trianon (1922) at the intersection of Hungary, Austria and Slovenia, which is also the westernmost point of Hungary.